Steinwachs Unit Inventory
*Items found in your apartment that are not on the inventory are NOT your responsibility. (For example, if your apartment has a pizza cutter, it was a donation to the unit and will not be replaced if broken or missing).
*Please note any furniture or structural damage on this form.
*Upon checkout, flatware and table settings must be the same pattern.
□ Flatware for 4/8/12 - (4 per bedroom) □ Table settings for 4/8/12 - (4 per bedroom) □ 12 glasses □ 4 wine glasses □ Slotted spoon, 2 spatulas, ladle, pasta server, 2 solid spoons □ Measuring spoons, measuring cups □ Glass measuring cup □ Peeler, corkscrew, can opener, church key can opener |
□ 2 frying pans, 2 sauce pans with lids, 1 large pot with lid, 1 colander □ Set of 4 mixing bowls □ Baking tray □ Knife set □ Electric kettle □ Coffee pot □ Toaster □ Cutting board (not wood) □ Dish drainer with tray □ Trash can □ Trash compactor key |
□ Trash can □ Toilet brush |
□ Plunger □ Soap dish |
Missing entry keycard: $15.00
*Flatware and Table settings are pattern specific. Replacements must be of the same pattern (Flatware Pattern: Oneida Flights; Table Settings Pattern: Bianca: Thomson Pottery).
*Damage to other items will be priced as necessary to restore or replace the damaged item.
*Extra Cleaning will be priced as necessary to restore or replace the area damaged.